To assess use of terrestrial habitat by ambystomatid salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger Salamanders) were monitored with radiotelemetry. Four individuals were tracked as they exited a wetland and made wide use of the surrounding landscape. Salamanders moved up to 255 m from the wetland of origin and found refugia both within forested land and wildlife food plots. Based on the extent of terrestrial movements by Tiger Salamanders, our findings support previous work demonstrating that upland habitat surrounding wetlands are critical areas in amphibian life cycles. Salamander movements did not appear to be influenced by agricultural development, as two individuals traveled through this habitat type.
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26 October 2006
Post-breeding Terrestrial Movements of Ambystoma tigrinum (Eastern Tiger Salamanders)
David A. Steen,
Lora L. Smith,
Gabriel J. Miller,
Sean C. Sterrett