Extensive trapping surveys across the historical range of Pituophis ruthveni (Louisiana Pine Snake) suggest that extant populations are extremely small and limited to remnant patches of suitable habitat in a highly fragmented landscape. Evaluation of habitat at all known historical localities of P. ruthveni documents the widespread degradation of the fire-maintained pine ecosystem throughout the historical range of the species. The primary factors leading to degradation of P. ruthveni habitat are intensive pine silviculture and alteration of the pre-European fire regime. Habitat restoration on public lands is feasible and could potentially restore populations of this critically rare species.
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1 September 2006
Status of Pituophis ruthveni (Louisiana Pine Snake)
D. Craig Rudolph,
Shirley J. Burgdorf,
Richard R. Schaefer,
Richard N. Conner,
Ricky W. Maxey