We report the findings of stream-survey data, a length-at-age study, and host-fish determination for Villosa constricta (notched rainbow). Visual surveys were done for freshwater mussels at 44 bridge crossings in the upper Neuse River basin in North Carolina. Three surveyors, each searching a 1-m wide lane, covered a 600-m long stream reach at each site. All mussels found were ide.gified to species and measured, and females were checked for gravidity. Of the 24 sites where V. constricta occurred, the median number found was 3.5 (range = 1–54). We cut thin-sections of 71 individual shells collected from middens at 1 survey site and counted growth lines to determine mussel age. Shell ages ranged from 3 to 14 years. Lab trials determined that Etheostoma flabellare (fantail darter) served as a suitable host for this species.
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1 December 2006
Status and Life-history Aspects of Villosa constricta (Conrad 1838) (Notched Rainbow), in the Upper Neuse River Basin, North Carolina
Chris B. Eads,
Arthur E. Bogan,
Jay F. Levine