The fauna and flora of Great Smoky Mountains National Park is being systematically studied and documented for the first time as part of the Smokies' All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI). With direction from scientific authorities and Park staff, a team of citizen volunteers has undertaken a survey of odonates (dragonflies and damselflies). The survey is focused on adults and includes curated specimens, catch-and-release records, and reliable sight identifications. To date, 93 taxa (63 dragonflies, 30 damselflies) are reported from the Park. However, the habitat-, geographic-, and temporal-survey coverage is far from complete, and records from neighboring areas suggest the Park may contain more than 130 odonate species. All of the information is being stored in the online ATBI database.
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1 December 2007
Checklist of Odonata from Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Charles Muise,
Keith R. Langdon,
Rebecca P. Shiflett,
David Trently,
Audrey Hoff,
Paul Super,
Adriean Mayor,
Becky J. Nichols
Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 6 • No. sp2
December 2007
Vol. 6 • No. sp2
December 2007