The Coon Creek Forever Wild Tract (CCFWT) is an area of approximately 130 ha that was purchased by the State of Alabama Forever Wild Program on February 1, 1995. The CCFWT lies 45 km west of Auburn, AL with the main tributary, Coon Creek, dissecting the tract and eventually emptying into the Tallapoosa River. The site is managed by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources with an emphasis on recreational use, habitat management, and rare species protection. A floristic study of this area was conducted from March 2006 through May 2007. A total of 503 species from 319 genera and 114 families were collected, with 195 species being county records. Asteraceae was the largest family with 74 species. Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Fabaceae were the next largest families with 45, 31, and 31 species, respectively. Carex was the largest genus represented with 15 taxa.
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1 September 2008
The Vascular Flora of the Coon Creek Forever Wild Tract, Tallapoosa County, Alabama
T. Wayne Barger,
Dan Tenaglia