Tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), populations from 21 locations in the Mississippi River Delta of Arkansas and Mississippi were tested for resistance to permethrin in 2004 and 2005. Each population was tested using permethrin in a discriminating-dose bioassay to determine percent mortality, and with a glass-vial bioassay that used dose-response regression lines to determine LC50 values for permethrin. Results from the two bioassays were compared by regression of percent mortalities with LC50 values. The regression was significant with an R2 value of 0.90 which showed that the two methods of determining resistance were closely correlated. The regression equation had a slope of −0.74 and an intercept of 72.06, which showed that the LC50 value decreased by 7.4 μg/vial for every 10% increase in mortality in the discriminating-dose bioassay. Percent mortality in the discriminating-dose bioassay and LC50 values were related to control of plant bugs in the field using four spray chamber and one field cage test. Plant bug populations in these tests were not controlled with four different pyrethroids applied at recommended field rates. Results indicated that either a LC50 value of 24 μg/vial or greater of permethrin, or 60% or less mortality in the discriminating-dose bioassay with permethrin, could be used to predict field control problems with plant bugs and pyrethroid insecticides in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. The discriminating-dose bioassay is a much easier bioassay to use as compared to determining LC50 values using dose-mortality curves. It could be easily used by researchers, consultants, or Cooperative Extension personnel in an insecticide resistance monitoring program for tarnished plant bugs.
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1 September 2008
Predicting Field Control of Tarnished Plant Bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) Populations with Pyrethroid Insecticides by Use of Glass-Vial Bioassays
Gordon L. Snodgrass,
Jeff Gore,
Craig A. Abel,
Ryan Jackson