We evaluated vertical and horizontal dispersal of Trichogramma platneri Nagarkatti, T. exiguum Pinto & Platner, and T. pretiosum Riley in pecan trees by placing Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) eggs as hosts at different heights in the tree canopy. We also observed the effect of tebufenozide an insect growth regulator and the insecticides spinosad and chlorpyrifos in adult emergence for the three parasitoid species. The application was made by submerging S. cerealella eggs parasitized by Trichogramma spp. for 5 seconds in a liter of the solution for each treatment. T. platneri produced greater parasitism at different heights in the tree canopy 24 hours after exposure. None of the species was capable of moving to other trees. Insect growth regulator, tebufenozide had no detrimental effect on the three Trichogramma species evaluated, since all exhibited emergence of more than 85%. Spinosad showed a drastic effect on emergence of the three species evaluated and chlopyrifos had a 100% detrimental effect.