The morphological ontogeny of Diapterobates altaicus Bayartogtokh, 2010 is described and illustrated. The juveniles of this species are unpigmented, except for a dark sclerite around a gland opening on the hysterosoma. In the larva, most gastronotal setae are of medium size, except for longer c3, dp, lm, lp and h1, whereas in the tritonymph, all gastronotal setae are long, especially c3, dp, lp, h-series and p1. In all juvenile stages, a humeral organ is present. The adult of D. altaicus has setae bv″ and v″ on femur I clearly shorter than seta d.
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17 August 2018
Morphological ontogeny of Diapterobates altaicus (Acari: Oribatida: Ceratozetidae), with comments on Diapterobates Grandjean
Stanisław Seniczak,
Anna Seniczak,
Sławomir Kaczmarek,
Tomasz Marquardt
Systematic and Applied Acarology
Vol. 23 • No. 8
August 2018
Vol. 23 • No. 8
August 2018
leg setation
oribatid mites
stage structure