Lychnophora rupestris and Lychnophora nanuzae are two new endemic species from quartzitic, rocky-field vegetation in Brazil. These new species are described and illustrated, and their affinities discussed. They are similar to L. granmogolensis, suggesting the definition of a species complex. The L. granmogolensis species complex can be recognized by imbricate leaves, ericoid, revolute margins, pungent apex with mucron, 1–3 flowers per capitulum, and outer pappus series free or partially fused. Lychnophora granmogolensis is a poorly known species from the Diamantina plateau in northern Minas Gerais State, and Chapada Diamantina (Bahia) in the Espinhaço Mountain Range. To clarify the application of the name L. granmogolensis, that species is also described and illustrated, and affinities are discussed.
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9 July 2014
The Lychnophora granmogolensis (Asteraceae—Vernonieae) Species Complex: Two New Species and Comments on the Identity of Lychnophora granmogolensis
João Semir,
Benoît Loeuille,
Marcelo Monge
Systematic Botany
Vol. 39 • No. 3
July 2014
Vol. 39 • No. 3
July 2014
Espinhaço Range