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25 October 2021 Taxonomic Study of the Species of Maranta Plum ex. L. (Marantaceae) from Northeastern Brazil: A Neglected Diversity Center for the Genus with Five New Species
Naédja Luna, Edlley M. Pessoa, Marccus Alves
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This study summarizes the taxonomy of the species of Maranta from northeastern Brazil. While 20 names have been proposed in the region, only 13 are accepted. We provide two new records, M. rugosa and M. polystachya, and five new species are described, of which M. bahiensis and M. villosovaginata are endemic to Bahia, M. chrysogina to Ceará, M. vieirae to Maranhão, and M. lorifolia occurs in Bahia and Espírito Santo. Maranta noctiflora, M. parvifolia, M. phrynioides, and M. rupicola L. have distributions outside of the study area, while M. anderssoniana and M. hatschbachiana are synonymized. Our final checklist includes 21 species, which represent more than half of the species in the genus, highlighting northeastern Brazil as a center of diversity for Maranta. Among the species listed, M. lorifolia, M. tuberculata, and M. zingiberina are thought to be endangered (EN), while M. gigantea is likely critically endangered (CR). Finally, this study provides informal conservation statuses, descriptions, distribution maps, and an identification key to the species. Typifications for M. subterranea and M. polystachya are also provided.

© Copyright 2021 by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Naédja Luna, Edlley M. Pessoa, and Marccus Alves "Taxonomic Study of the Species of Maranta Plum ex. L. (Marantaceae) from Northeastern Brazil: A Neglected Diversity Center for the Genus with Five New Species," Systematic Botany 46(3), 582-610, (25 October 2021).
Published: 25 October 2021
Atlantic forest
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