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21 March 2022 Description of Four New Species of the Habenaria repens Complex (Orchidaceae) from Brazil Based on a Biosystematic and Molecular Phylogenetic Approach
João A. N. Batista, Bruna L. Lau, Isabelle G. C. Machado da Costa, Antônio Massensini Júnior, Rubens C. Mota, Eduardo L. Borba
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The Habenaria repens complex comprises ca. 14 species distributed from the southern United States to northern Argentina. In Brazil, several morphotypes with similar ecological preferences to H. repens s. s. occur, which have made identification at the specific level challenging. In an associated article using molecular phylogenetic, morphometry, and population genetic analyses, we showed that the H. repens complex is polyphyletic and subdivided into three main distantly related clades. Four of the studied morphotypes are phylogenetically distant from H. repens s. s. and morphologically distinct from all other taxa in the complex. They are described here as H. bryophila, H. hygrophila, H. subrepens, and H. compluviosa. Similarly to H. repens s. s., these newly proposed species show preferences for aquatic environments, but differ in habitat specificity, phenology, and morphology. The new taxa are restricted to upland, wet grasslands associated with campos rupestres occurring in the Espinhaço Range in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia, or other mountainous areas of Minas Gerais and Goiás. We provide a diagnosis with detailed morphological characterization for each species, including etymology, distribution, informal conservation assessments, data on habitat and phenology, notes, images, and diagnostic characters to separate them from each other and H. repens s. s.

© Copyright 2022 by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
João A. N. Batista, Bruna L. Lau, Isabelle G. C. Machado da Costa, Antônio Massensini Júnior, Rubens C. Mota, and Eduardo L. Borba "Description of Four New Species of the Habenaria repens Complex (Orchidaceae) from Brazil Based on a Biosystematic and Molecular Phylogenetic Approach," Systematic Botany 47(1), 215-231, (21 March 2022).
Published: 21 March 2022
Aquatic plants
Espinhaço Mountain Range
montane ecosystem
species complex
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