The review process is essential to the maintenance of high scientific standards in a journal. The efforts of individual reviewers are remarkable, and we take this opportunity to acknowledge publicly those who contributed reviews during the period that Volume 128 was in preparation (reviews completed between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011). Individuals who reviewed two or more manuscripts are signified by an asterisk. We also acknowledge the hard work of the Associate Editors, listed on the inside of the front cover of The Auk, whose impartial assessments of the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments provided the basis for their recommendations to the Editor. Memorials and book reviews were solicited and managed by Alan H. Brush and R. Todd Engstrom, respectively.
Josh Ackerman, Marissa Ahlering*, Robert Allen Aldredge, Karel Allard, Mathew W. Alldredge, Douglas Altshuler, Frederic Angelier, Dan Ardia*, Todd W. Arnold, Kate Ashbrook, Noah Ashley, Lise Aubry, Allan J. Baker, Michael Baldwin, Emilio Barba, George Barrowclough, Sonny Bass, John M. Bates, Catherine Bechtoldt, Adam C. Behney*, Craig W. Benkman*, Robert E. Bennetts, Thomas J. Benson, Douglas F. Bertram, Matthew G. Betts, Joel Bety, Alexander Bond, Rauri C. K. Bowie, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Eli S. Bridge, Anders Brodin, Mary Bomberger Brown, Robb T. Brumfield, Joe Buchanan, Jeffrey J. Buler, Jan Ove Bustnes, William Buttemer, Jay D. Carlisle, Phillip Cassey, Anna Chalfoun, Richard Chandler*, Carla Cicero, Christopher James Clark, Sonya Clegg*, Jonathan Cohen, Bret Collier, Mark Colwell, Courtney J. Conway, Caren Cooper*, Will Cresswell, Daniel A. Cristol, Andrea Cruz-Angon, Andre M. Cuervo, Mary Ann Cunningham, Robert L. Curry, James Dale*, Scott Derrickson*, Andre Desrochers*, Duane R. Diefenbach*, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Paul F. Doherty*, Roi Dor, Stephanie M. Doucet, Amy Driskell, Katie Dugger, John P. Dumbacher, Peter O. Dunn*, Sarah Durant, Chris S. Elphick, Kjell Einar Erikstad*, Patricia Escalante, Daniel Esler, Matthew Etterson, John Faaborg, Carol A. Fassbinder-Orth, Goncalo Ferraz, Curtis H. Flather, Paul L. Flint*, Joseph J. Fontaine, Scott Forbes, Peter C. Frederick, Morten Frederiksen*, Susannah French, Josie Galbraith, Ismael Galvan, Thomas Getty, Phillip Gienapp*, Anja Gladbach*, Oscar Gordo, Andrew G. Gosler*, Matteo Griggio*, Tomas Grim, Matthieu Guillemain, Carola A. Haas, Christian A. Hagen, Steffen Hahn, Tom Hahn, Linnea Hall, Michael Hallworth*, Gabe Hamer, Daniel Hanley, Rita Hargitai, Dana Hawley, Julie A. Heath, Anders Hedenstrom, Philipp Heeb, Carol Henger, Christopher E. Hill, Geoffrey E. Hill, Jason Michael Hill, Robin Hirsch-Jacobson, Wesley M. Hochachka, Rebecca L. Holberton, Andrew Hugall, Esa Huhta, Christine Hunter, Louis Imbeau, Darren E. Irwin, Juan Pablo Isacch, Stefanie M. H. Ismar, Alain Jacot, Fabian M. Jaksic, Ian Jamieson, Mark Jankowski, Jodie Jawor, Kristine Johnson, Andrew W. Jones*, Jason Jones, Leo Joseph, Janice Kelly, Jeffrey F. Kelly, Dylan C. Kesler, Marm Kilpatrick, Sarah Kingston, Kirk C. Klasing, Nicky Koper, Jeffrey M. Kozma, Alan H. Krakauer, Andrew J. Kroll, Laura Kvist*, Richard Lanctot, Quresh Latif, Steven Latta, Jean-Dominique Lebreton, Derek Edward Lee, Esa Lehikoinen, Daniel Linden*, Karen Lizars, Michael P. Lombardo*, James R. Lovvorn, Paul Lukacs, Jason D. Luscier, Sharon E. Lynn, Rafael Maia, Lilian Tonelli Manica, Lynn B. Martin, Paul Martin, Kevin Matson, Steven M. Matsuoka, Golo Maurer, John Mccormack, Kent Mcfarland, Conor P. Mcgowan*, Bailey Mckay*, Francis Meunier, Mark P. Miller*, Abe Miller-Rushing, Brian A. Millsap, David Mindell, Douglas Mock*, Frank R. Moore*, Levi C. Moore, Randall Moore, Joan L. Morrison, Truls Moum, Rachel Muheim*, Daniel M. Mulcahy, Robert S. Mulvihill, Troy G. Murphy, Shinichi Nakagawa, Antoine Nappi, Nicole Nemeth, Diane Neudorf, Ian Newton, Erica Nol*, Ryan Norris, Erin L. O'brien, Timothy O'connell, Brian J. Olsen, Christopher Olson*, Diana Outlaw, Sarah E. Pabian, Peter W. C. Paton, Michael A. Patten, Julieta Pedrana, Brian D. Peer, Liba Pejchar, Vincenzo Penteriani, Noah Perlut*, Jeffrey L. Peters, Theunis Piersma, Maria Pigozzi, Walter H. Piper, Lars Pomara, Steven Portugal, Abby N. Powell, Richard Prum, Francisco Pulido, Peter Pyle, James Scott Quinn*, Thomas W. Quinn*, Christoph Randler, John H. Rappole, Pamela C. Rasmussen*, Leonard R. Reitsma, Vladimir Remes, Robert S. Rempel, Katherine Renton*, S. James Reynolds*, Frank Rheindt, Camila Ribas, Jason Riddle, Christina Riehl*, Christopher Rimmer, Chadwick D. Rittenhouse, Scott K. Robinson, Erin A. Roche*, Amanda D. Rodewald*, James Joseph Roper, Steven Rosenstock, Stephen I. Rothstein, Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez, Robin Russell, Volker Salewski, Sonja V. Schaper, Joel A. Schmutz*, Aaron Schrey, Julia Schroeder, Sara Schweitzer, James S. Sedinger, Mary Sewell, Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Matthew D. Shawkey, Thomas W. Sherry, W. Gregory Shriver, Dave Shutler, Lynn Siefferman, Adam Siepielski, Luís Fábio Silveira, Diana Six, Juan Jose Soler, Garth Spellman, Lynne E. Stenzel, Christine M. Stracey, Ken Stromborg, Jennifer Stucker*, Bridget J. Stutchbury*, Paul Sykes, Scott A. Taylor, Ethan J. Temeles, Jean-Marc Thiollay, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Rose Thorogood, Kasper Thorup, Vallo Tilgar, Barbara Tschirren, J. Albert C. Uy, Stephen Vander Wall, John Videler, Gary Voelker, Yoni Vortman, Margaret A. Voss, Johann Walker, Eric L. Walters, Jennifer Man-Ling Wang, Nils Warnock, Michael S Webster*, David Roderick Wells*, Kathryn Wheatley, Bret Whitney, Danielle Whittaker, Linda Whittingham, Karen Wiebe, Scott Wilson, Hans Winkler, Christopher C Witt, Joseph M. Wunderle*, Nigel Yoccoz, Tamaki Yuri, Guthrie S. Zimmerman, and Robert M. Zink.