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11 October 2017 A new species of the Acarospora strigata group (Acarosporaceae) from China
Lazzat Nurtai, Kerry Knudsen, Abdulla Abbas
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The Acarospora strigata group is distinguished by a common phenotype of heavily pruinose areoles with deep fissures cleaving the cortex. It occurs from South and North America through Asia to Africa and Europe. One new species is described from China in Xinjiang in central Asia: Acarospora tianshanica, which produces gyrophoric acid. Acarospora interrupta is lectotypified and reported new from China. In addition, a key is supplied to the nine species currently recognized in the Acarospora strigata group.

Copyright ©2017 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
Lazzat Nurtai, Kerry Knudsen, and Abdulla Abbas "A new species of the Acarospora strigata group (Acarosporaceae) from China," The Bryologist 120(4), 382-387, (11 October 2017).
Received: 2 June 2017; Accepted: 1 July 2017; Published: 11 October 2017
Acarospora coloradiana
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