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22 September 2020 The Lewinskya affinis complex (Orthotrichaceae) revisited: species description and differentiation
Beatriz Vigalondo, Isabel Draper, Vicente Mazimpaka, Juan Antonio Calleja, Francisco Lara, Ricardo Garilleti
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In a recent integrative taxonomy study, we verified that the previously accepted concept of Lewinskya affinis (≡ Orthotrichum affine) actually comprises a complex of sibling lineages encompassing both known, accepted species (L. affinis s.str., L. praemorsa and L. tortidontia), recovered synonyms (L. fastigiata and L. leptocarpa), and four species yet unpublished. In the present work, we present detailed descriptions of the previously identified species and the new species, L. scissa from the Canary Islands, and the North American L. arida, L. pacifica and L. pseudoaffinis. In addition, we provide a key to the species in the complex, and discuss the morphological distinction of the species according to geographical areas. All included species are illustrated.

Copyright ©2020 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
Beatriz Vigalondo, Isabel Draper, Vicente Mazimpaka, Juan Antonio Calleja, Francisco Lara, and Ricardo Garilleti "The Lewinskya affinis complex (Orthotrichaceae) revisited: species description and differentiation," The Bryologist 123(3), 455-482, (22 September 2020).
Received: 16 June 2020; Accepted: 14 July 2020; Published: 22 September 2020
Holarctic mosses
North America
Old World
Orthotrichum affine
sibling species
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