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25 October 2017 Thank you to the reviewers of the 2017 Condor, volume 119
Philip C Stouffer
Author Affiliations +

We are now concluding our fourth full year as The Condor: Ornithological Applications. This has been an exciting year for us; we became the most highly cited journal in ornithology in the first year for which our impact factor was calculated entirely on the new format. We are publishing great papers that are getting noticed. Peer reviewers are the foundation of our success and, even more importantly, of our scientific integrity. Despite little personal gain, 273 colleagues lent their expertise for the benefit of our journal and our discipline during the period that volume 119 was in preparation. Individuals identified with asterisks were especially valuable; they reviewed two, three, or even four manuscripts. On behalf of The Condor: Ornithological Applications, I thank all of them for their timely and conscientious work. Managing reviewers is mostly the job of our dedicated Associate Editors, whose names appear on the journal's masthead. Their work, along with the efforts of our two fine Editors and the tireless professional staff at the AOS Publications Office, allows us to be proud of the journal we collectively produce.


Josh Adams

David Ainley *

Angela D. Anders *

Rindy Anderson

Brad Alan Andres

Tony Apa

Debora Arlt

Jacqueline Augustine

Anne Axel

Adrián Azpiroz

Troy Bader

Larissa Bailey

Marja Bakermans *

Kristel Bakker *

Paul Banko

Nancy Baron

Narayani Barve

Corrado Battisti

Jeffrey L. Beck

James Carey Bednarz *

Amy Belaire

Thomas J. Benson

Douglas F. Bertram *

Jennifer Blakesley *

Carl E. Bock *

Thomas Bonnot

David Bonter

Rebecka Brasso

David Robert Breininger

Rachel Maree Bristol

Daniel M. Brooks *

Nathan Brouwer *

Stephen T. Buckland

David A. Buehler *

Lesley Bulluck

Andrew Campomizzi

Michael L. Casazza

Paul M. Castelli

Antonio Celis-Murillo

Anna D. Chalfoun *

Scott Chiavacci *

Robert G. Clark

Peter S. Coates

Jaime Agustin Collazo

Jacob Christian Cooper *

Dolly Crawford

Daniel A. Cristol

Claire M. Curry *

Amy Jane Davis

Miguel De Labra-Hernández

David J. Delehanty

Bill DeLuca *

Jeremy Dertien

André Desrochers

Jean-Michel DeVink

Antony Diamond

Jay Diffendorfer

Stephen James Dinsmore

Paul F. Doherty

Andrew Charles Doll *

Bryant Dossman

Connie Downes

Katie M. Dugger *

Jeffrey Dunk

Maureen Durkin

James F. Dwyer *

Cas Eikenaar *

Joe Eisaguirre

Bret Elderd *

Kevin Ellison *

Elizabeth R. Ellwood *

Chris S. Elphick

David Ewert

Xiao Feng

Patricia Feria *

Guillermo Fernández

Miguel Ferrer

Julieta Filloy

Ryan J. Fisher *

Curtis H. Flather

Tony Fox *

Charles Francis

Alan B. Franklin *

Mack W. Frantz *

Morten Frederiksen

Leonard Freed

Sarah Frey

Stuart Gage

Beth Gardner *

Kimball Garrett *

Julia C. Garvin

T. Luke George *

Brian Gerber

Daniel Gibson *

Elizabeth M. Glenn

Matthew Grainger

James Barry Grand

Todd Grant

Jesse Grantham

David John Green *

Christopher G. Guglielmo *

Michael R. Guttery

Samuel A. Haché *

Amanda M. Hale

James L. Hayward

Trevor Hefley

Sarah Heimovics

Stefan Heinänen *

Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman

James R. Herkert *

George Hess

Wesley M. Hochachka

Jeffrey P. Hoover

Nathan Hostetter

Pamela Hunt

Jerry W. Hupp

José Tomás Ibarra *

Dariusz Jakubas

Adam Janke

Erik I. Johnson

Jeff A. Johnson *

Naira Johnston

Clark D. Jones

Todd Katzner *

John Kilgo

Robert W. Klaver

Daniel Klem

David N. Koons

Daniel Kovar *

Alan H. Krakauer *

Brian Kreiser *

Justine Kummer

Barbara E. Kus *

Joseph A. LaManna

Matthew Joseph Lau

Jared Laufenberg

Philip Lavretsky

James O. Leafloor

Derek Lee

Chris Lepczyk *

Lionel Francis Vernon Leston

Jeffery Lincer

William Link

John Lloyd

Gary Luck

Paul M. Lukacs *

James Lyons

Terry Master

Stephen N. Matthews

Dan McAuley

Lisa McCauley

Will McDearman

Kevin McGarigal

Conor P. McGowan

Douglas B. McNair *

Lance McNew

Karl Miller

Tricia Miller *

Brian A. Millsap *

Piotr Minias

Adrian Monroe *

Joan L. Morrison

Brittany Mosher

Colleen Murchison

Megan Murgatroyd

Sabir Bin Muzaffar

William D. Newmark

Neal D. Niemuth *

Daniel Niven

Joseph J. Nocera

Erica Nol *

Timothy O'Connell *

Steffen Oppel

David Otis

Mark Otto

Emilio Pagani-Núñez

Joel Pagel

Keith Pardieck

Michael A. Patten

Eben Paxton

Rebecca Peak *

Aaron Pearse

Scott Pearson

Jay Penniman

Noah Perlut

A. Townsend Peterson

Mauro Pichorim

Brigitte Poulin

Erin Ragheb

Eldar Rakhimberdiev *

Emma Razeng

Eric T. Reed

Luís Reino *

Christine Ribic *

Christopher Rimmer

Alejandro Rios Chelén

Frank Rivera-Milán

Daniel Rizzolo

Gregory Robertson

Erin Roche *

Paul G. Rodewald

Sievert Rohwer

Virginie Rolland *

Kenneth V. Rosenberg

Viola Ross-Smith

John Rotenberry

Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez

Jonathan Runge

Scott Rush

Clark Rushing

Robin Russell

Sarah Saunders *

Joel A. Schmutz

John Schukman

Nathaniel Seavy

Nathan Robert Senner

Jeremy Ryan Shipley

Andrew Shirk

Julia Shonfield

Daniel Paul Shustack *

Dave Shutler

Lynn Siefferman

Susan K. Skagen

Adam C. Smith *

Jacob Socolar

Peter Solymos

Randal Stahl

Mark Thomas Stanback

Margaret Stanley

Kirk W. Stodola

Scott H. Stolesen

Alison R. Styring

M. Daniel Svedarsky

Jason Tack *

Evan Tanner

Douglas J. Tempel

Theron Menees Terhune

Tad C. Theimer

Jean-François Therrien

Sarah J. Thompson

Boris Tinoco

Kathy Tjørve

David Peter Toews

Christopher Tonra *

Andrea Townsend

Junior A. Tremblay *

Brian Keith Trevelline *

Daniel Jay Twedt

Brian Uher-Koch

Joseph Allen Veech

Natalia Vespa

Jody Vogeler

Lauren E. Walker *

Jeffrey R. Walters

Michael P. Ward *

Nils Warnock

Brian Eric Washburn

James Watson

Walter Wehtje

Emily L. Weiser

Andreanna J. Welch

Nathaniel T. Wheelwright *

George Wilhere

Heather Williams

Perry J. Williams

Robert Wilson

Stefan Woltmann

Bradley K. Woodworth

Charles Yackulic

Guthrie Samuel Zimmerman

Sue Anne Zollinger *

Benjamin Zuckerberg

© 2017 American Ornithological Society.
Philip C Stouffer "Thank you to the reviewers of the 2017 Condor, volume 119," The Condor 119(4), 874-876, (25 October 2017).
Published: 25 October 2017
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