In spiders, intersex communication during courtship is essential to avoid the risks of cannibalism due to lack of specific recognition. Parabatinga brevipes (Keyserling, 1891) is a Ctenidae spider with a distribution from Colombia to Uruguay. This study is the first to describe the sexual behavior of P. brevipes, and the fourth reported in the family. We introduced males to females in a cage and recorded their courtship and copulation behavior. Males began courtship after touching female silk, performing Leg-tapping of legs I and Palpal movements. We observed ten copulations that usually occur vertically, in the copulatory position reported for other ctenids, with the male on top of the female, oriented in opposite directions. Copulations usually involve the insertion of one male palp in a single female's genital opening and finish with the pair dropping from the vertical position. These sexual behaviors are compared with reports of other species in the family.