Atteva aurea (Attevidae), Mesophleps adustipennis (Gelechiidae), and Hyblaea puera (Hyblaeidae) were studied in Honduras. Atteva aurea is widespread and feeds on Simarouba glauca. There were no significant differences in the larva or pupa between Honduran and North American populations to suggest a species complex. Mesophleps adustipennis was found in the seeds of Mimosa pigra in the center of the country. The immature stages are briefly described and illustrated, then compared to a few Anacampsinae. There are no records of M. adustipennis on soybean even though it is a recorded pest of that crop. Hyblaea puera was collected in Comayagua and El Zamorano. It was reared from Handroanthus ochraceus. The identification of the larva and pupa is discussed. The pilifer like lobes and unusual spiracle of the pupa are illustrated.