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31 July 2024 Presence of males of the putatively parthenogenic wasp Diachasma muliebre (Musebeck, 1956) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in California and possible mechanisms for their presence
Robert V. Dowell
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A male Diachasma muliebre (Musebeck, 1956) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an historically reported monophagous, thelytokous parasitoid, was reared from Rhagoletis indifferens Curran, 1932 (Diptera: Tephritidae) puparia. The fly larvae were reared from Prunus emarginata (Douglas ex Hooker) Eaton (Rosaceae) fruit collected in Placer County, California in 2022. An examination of D. muliebre specimens in California collections found four additional males in the California State Collection of Arthropods, the Bohart Museum of Entomology, and the Essig Museum of Entomology. The males were collected over a 60-year period from 1962 to 2022 in Nevada, Placer and Siskiyou Counties some 272 air km apart in northern California. Possible mechanisms explaining the predominately asexual reproduction in D. muliebre and the periodic presence of males are proposed.

Robert V. Dowell "Presence of males of the putatively parthenogenic wasp Diachasma muliebre (Musebeck, 1956) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in California and possible mechanisms for their presence," The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 100(3), 165-170, (31 July 2024).
Received: 5 February 2024; Accepted: 3 June 2024; Published: 31 July 2024
Rhagoletis indifferens
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