A new species from the Philippines, Ptecticus kovaci sp. nov., related to P. flavifemoratus Rozkošný & Kovac 1996, is described. P. repensans ssp. anneliesae Lindner, 1935 and P. repensans ssp. monticola Lindner, 1935, described from Sulawesi (Indonesia), are apparently different from P. repensans (Walker, 1859) now considered a synonym of P. complens (Walker, 1858). We recognize P. anneliesae Lindner, 1935 as a valid species with P. repensans ssp. monticola Lindner and P. mirabilis Rozkošný & Kovac 2003 as new synonyms. In the appended list of new records of 23 species from Oriental and Australian Ptecticus species, P. australis Schiner, 1868 and P. subaustralis Rozkošný & Kovac 1998 are newly recorded from Indonesia, P. erectus Rozkošný & Kovac 2000, P. kambangensis Meijere, 1914 and P. sumatranus Enderlein, 1914 newly recorded from Malaysia, P. longipennis Wiedemann, 1824 is newly recorded from Thailand and P. vulpianus (Enderlein, 1914) is newly recorded from Taiwan.