Information about the geographical distribution of Leucotmemis pardalimacula is updated after reviewing data gathered from its description in 1927 to 2010. This species is known to live in the mountainous zones of Western Mexico and its distribution spreads south down to the Chinandega volcanic zone in Nicaragua. Based on previously developed methods, the vulnerability of this moth wasp is evaluated herein. The species could be categorized as “threatened” according to the Mexican Conservation Norm NOM-059, allowing us to propose the taxon to be included under the Official Mexican Norm of Protection.
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3 November 2014
Geographic Range Expansion of Leucotmemis pardalimacula Dyar, 1927 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctinae: Euchromiina) with Notes About Its Conservation in Mexico
Fernando Hernández-Baz,
Jorge M. González,
Manuel Balcázar Lara
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Vol. 90 • No. 3
July 2014
Vol. 90 • No. 3
July 2014
biological conservation
Wasp moths