The biology and morphology of life stages of the whiteflies Aleyrodes sp. on Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus (Oxalidaceae), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889) on Solanum melongena Linnaeus (Solanaceae), and Dialeurodes delhiensis David & Sundararaj, 1992 on Ficus virens Ait. (Moraceae) were studied, the latter species known only from India and its biology studied for the first time. Duration from egg to adult emergence for males and females of the three species was 24.2 and 28.4, 18.6 and 21.8 and 97.5 and 100.6 days, respectively. Duration, with morphometrics and illustrations for each developmental stage are also provided. Males developed more quickly than and were outnumbered by females of the three species by a ratio of 3.5:1, 4:1 and 3:1, respectively. Nymphal developmental period was positively correlated with length and width and negatively correlated with length:width ratio. Considerable sexual variation was revealed by adult morphometrics.
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14 July 2015
Biology and morphology of life stages of three species of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from India
Mohammed Muzeruddin Baig,
Anil Kumar Dubey,
Vilayanoor Venkataraman Ramamurthy
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Vol. 91 • No. 2
April 2015
Vol. 91 • No. 2
April 2015
Aleyrodes sp.
Bemisia tabaci
developmental duration
Dialeurodes delhiensis