To appraise conservation status of the Yaqui catfish Ictalurus pricei, we reviewed literature and unpublished records on a captive stock, examined voucher specimens at museums, re-sampled historical localities in the Yaqui, Mayo, and Fuerte river basins, and we surveyed rivers further south. A total of 72 specimens of native Ictalurus was collected in the Yaqui, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Culiacán, and San Lorenzo river basins. No native Ictalurus was collected in the Mayo Basin. Distribution of the Yaqui catfish appears restricted to the Yaqui, Mayo and Fuerte river basins, all of which now harbor nonnative blue (I. furcatus) and channel (I. punctatus) catfishes. The nonnative black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) is now known from the Yaqui Basin and the flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) has been recorded anecdotally in the Yaqui Basin. Threats to the Yaqui catfish have increased in recent years and hybridization with the channel catfish now appears widespread. We conclude that the Yaqui catfish should be considered endangered throughout its range and that status of native populations of Ictalurus in the United States and Mexico should be reviewed and management intensified.