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1 June 2012 Effect of Cheatgrass on Abundance of the North American Deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Lucas K Hall
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This study addressed the effects that cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) had on populations of the North American deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) at Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah. Linear regression revealed a significant negative relationship between cover of cheatgrass and relative abundance of North American deermice. These results concur with conclusions of others suggesting that cheatgrass negatively impacts abundance of rodents.

Este estudio consideró los efectos que Bromus tectorum impone a las poblaciones de Peromyscus maniculatus en el Parque Estatal Antelope Island, condado de Davis, Utah. Regresión lineal indicó una relación negativa significativa entre la cobertura de B. tectorum y la abundancia relativa de P. maniculatus. Estos resultados coinciden con las conclusiones de otros que sugieren que B. tectorum afecta negativamente la abundancia de roedores.

Lucas K Hall "Effect of Cheatgrass on Abundance of the North American Deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)," The Southwestern Naturalist 57(2), 166-169, (1 June 2012).
Received: 12 November 2009; Accepted: 1 March 2012; Published: 1 June 2012
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