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1 June 2012 Home Ranges of Female Rio Grande Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) in Southern Texas
Eric Reyes Ramirez, Megan C Clayton, Cody W Lawson, Stephen M Burns, Rafael Guarneros-Altimirano, Stephen J DeMaso, Kuvlesky William P Jr., David G Hewitt, J. Alfonso Ortega-Santos, Tyler A Campbell
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We captured and placed radiotransmitters on 27, 37, and 51 female Rio Grande turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) on the Encino, Norias, and Laureles divisions of King Ranch, respectively, in Brooks, Kenedy, and Kleberg counties, Texas. Mean annual sizes of home ranges were 838–5,867 ha, which were larger than most individual holdings of private property in Texas. Conservation plans should take this into consideration.

Capturamos y fijamos radiotransmisores en 27, 37, y 51 hembras del pavo silvestre (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) del río Grande en las divisiones Encino, Norias, y Laureles del rancho King, respectivamente, en los condados de Brooks, Kenedy, y Kleberg en Texas. Los tamaños promedios anuales del rango de hogar fueron de 838 a 5,867 ha, los cuales fueron de mayor tamaño que la mayoría del tamaño de las propiedades privadas en Texas. Los planes de conservación deberían considerar la relevancia de estos resultados.

Eric Reyes Ramirez, Megan C Clayton, Cody W Lawson, Stephen M Burns, Rafael Guarneros-Altimirano, Stephen J DeMaso, Kuvlesky William P Jr., David G Hewitt, J. Alfonso Ortega-Santos, and Tyler A Campbell "Home Ranges of Female Rio Grande Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) in Southern Texas," The Southwestern Naturalist 57(2), 198-201, (1 June 2012).
Received: 23 July 2010; Accepted: 1 June 2011; Published: 1 June 2012
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