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20 June 2019 A case of interspecific nest use in thrushes (Turdidae)
Sławomir Chmielewski
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Apart from some species that reuse their nests regularly, the reuse of open nests is an uncommon phenomenon in the majority of species, especially the passerines. The interspecific reuse of open nests has rarely been described. Here I examine a case of such reuse in thrushes, specifically the reuse of a Fieldfare's (Turdus pilaris) nest by a Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos). A total of 14 Song Thrush nests with eggs were found in an orchard; more than half of these clutches were unsuccessful. Breeding success in the Song Thrush in the orchard was 29% for first clutches/broods and 60% for second clutches/broods. Eleven Fieldfare nests contained clutches: 87% of them were unsuccessful. Breeding success was as low as 14% in the case of first clutches/ broods, and no second clutches/broods were successful. Having reviewed the hypotheses relating to nest reuse, I consider that this case was not brought about by a lack of suitable nesting sites. It was, however, advantageous in that the time and costs of building a new nest were much reduced, given that the nesting territory was of high quality, and that the nesting season is short and breeding success low.

Sławomir Chmielewski "A case of interspecific nest use in thrushes (Turdidae)," The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(2), 419-422, (20 June 2019).
Received: 30 May 2018; Accepted: 28 October 2018; Published: 20 June 2019
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris
nest reuse
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
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