Vallejo-Betancur, M. M., Páez, V. P., & Quan-Young, L. I. (2015). Analysis of people’s perceptions of turtle conservation effectiveness for the magdalena river turtle podocnemis lewyana and the colombian slider trachemys callirostris in Northern Colombia: An ethnozoological approach. Tropical Conservation Science, 11, 1–14. Original DOI: 10.1177/1940082918779069
On page 1, in the introduction section, the reference citation for Norris, Michalski, & Gibbs, 2018 is missing from the reference list. The complete details are mentioned below:
Norris, D., Michalski, F., & Gibbs, J. P. (2018). Community involvement works where enforcement fails: conservation success through community-based management of Amazon river turtle nests. Peer J 6, e4856.