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1 September 2010 Effective use of Data from Marshbird Monitoring Programs for Conservation Decision-Making
Michael J. Conroy, Robert J. Cooper, Scott A. Rush, Kirk W. Stodola, Bryan L. Nuse, Mark. S. Woodrey
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Monitoring programs aimed at understanding the population trends of secretive marshbirds can be altered to benefit from the creative interplay between predictions, designs and models, and provide the template for doing so. Effective application of information to decision making typically requires integration of several types of information in a common framework, including “found” data and retrospective studies, innovative sampling designs and the use of hierarchical data structures. Hierarchical and state-space modeling provide a unified modeling structure for such designs and data. These ideas are illustrated with the problem of investigating and mitigating the effects of climate change on secretive marshbirds in coastal North America. How both ecological theory and available data can be used to provide predictions about the impacts of regional and local climate changes on these avian communities are illustrated.

Michael J. Conroy, Robert J. Cooper, Scott A. Rush, Kirk W. Stodola, Bryan L. Nuse, and Mark. S. Woodrey "Effective use of Data from Marshbird Monitoring Programs for Conservation Decision-Making," Waterbirds 33(3), 397-404, (1 September 2010).
Received: 12 November 2009; Accepted: 1 March 2010; Published: 1 September 2010
daptive management
sampling design
sea-level rise
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