The temporal dynamics of spatial heterogeneity was studied for the weed communities in a seashore paspalum turf with the use of a power-law model. Surveys were conducted in January, March, May, July, September, and November in 2007. In every survey, we set 100 quadrats (50 by 50 cm) referred to as L quadrats on a 50-m line transect at the same position in the turf. Each L quadrat was then divided into four S quadrats (25 by 25 cm) and all plant species occurring in each of these S quadrats were identified and recorded. These data were summarized into frequency distributions and the percentage of S quadrats containing a given species, and the variance of each species was estimated. The power law was used to evaluate the spatial heterogeneity (δ) and frequency of occurrence (p) for each species in the weed communities in six survey months. The results showed that weeds emerged more frequently in the summer–spring season than in winter–autumn, and the spatial heterogeneity was much higher in summer–spring than winter–autumn, especially in summer. The Shannon–Wiener diversity indexes (H') from large to small were July (5.9202) > May (5.6775) > September (5.6631) > March (5.5727) > January (5.1742) > November (4.9668). Likewise, the spatial heterogeneity index (δc) of the whole community was also different in different months. The biggest δc (0.2790) was in July, and the smallest (0.1811) in November. Meanwhile, manilagrass had a high p ( = 1.0), indicating that it occurred in all S quadrats in every weed community of every month. However, the turfgrass, seashore paspalum, only emerged in March, May, July, and November, and possessed a low p, indicating the seashore paspalum turf has been naturally replaced by manilagrass.
Nomenclature: Manilagrass, Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.; seashore paspalum, Paspalum vaginatum Sw. PASVA.