Recent advances in sequencing technologies (next-generation sequencing) offer dramatically increased sequencing throughput at a lower cost than traditional Sanger sequencing. This technology is changing genomics research by allowing large scale sequencing experiments in nonmodel systems. Waterhemp is an important weed in the midwestern United States with characteristics that makes it an interesting ecological model. However, very few genomic resources are available for this species. One half of a 70 by 75 picotiter plate of 454-pyrosequencing was performed on total DNA isolated from waterhemp, generating 158,015 reads of an average length of 271 bp, or a total of nearly 43 Mbp of sequence. Included in this sequence was a nearly complete sequence of the chloroplast genome, sequences of several important herbicide resistance genes, leads for simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and a sampling of the repeated elements (e.g., transposons) present in this species. Here we present the waterhemp genomic data gleaned from this sequencing experiment and illustrate the value of next-generation sequencing technology to weed science research.
Nomenclature: Common waterhemp, Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer var. rudis (Sauer) Costea and Tardif AMATU; Tall waterhemp, Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer var. tuberculatus (Sauer) Costea and Tardif AMATU.