VOL. 61 · NO. 3 | July-September 2013
Hugo Cruz-Hipolito, Jesus Rosario, Gerardina Ioli, Maria D. Osuna, Reid J. Smeda, Fidel González-Torralva, Rafael De Prado
Weed Science 61 (3), 341-347, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00146.1
KEYWORDS: ALS inhibitor, dose–response, target-site mutation, tribenuron resistance
Dustin F. Lewis, Rory L. Roten, Wesley J. Everman, Travis W. Gannon, Robert J Richardson, Fred H. Yelverton
Weed Science 61 (3), 348-352, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00189.1
KEYWORDS: Absorption, metabolism, Off-target movement, synthetic auxin, translocation
Melinda K. Yerka, Andrew T. Wiersma, R. Bradley Lindenmayer, Philip Westra, William G. Johnson, Natalia de Leon, David E. Stoltenberg
Weed Science 61 (3), 353-360, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00153.1
KEYWORDS: herbicide, mechanism of action, resistance
Tai-You Tseng, Jen-Fu Ou, Ching-Yuh Wang
Weed Science 61 (3), 361-373, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00133.1
KEYWORDS: antioxidant, glutathione cycle, tolerant mutant
Vijay K. Nandula, Jeffery D. Ray, Daniela N. Ribeiro, Z. Pan, Krishna N. Reddy
Weed Science 61 (3), 374-383, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00155.1
KEYWORDS: Absorption, Autoradiography, EPSPS, gene amplification, mutation, phosphorimaging, shikimate, translocation
Robert B. Cross, Lambert B. McCarty, Nishanth Tharayil, Ted Whitwell, William C. Bridges
Weed Science 61 (3), 384-389, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00172.1
KEYWORDS: Bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) pers., golf course, Herbicide resistance, turfgrass
Weitang Liu, Yaling Bi, Lingxu Li, Guohui Yuan, Jinxin Wang
Weed Science 61 (3), 390-395, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00200.1
KEYWORDS: ALS, ALS enzyme, ALS gene, Herbicide resistance
Marcelo L. Moretti, Bradley D. Hanson, Kurt J. Hembree, Anil Shrestha
Weed Science 61 (3), 396-402, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00201.1
KEYWORDS: Herbicide resistance, multiple-resistance
Bhagirath S. Chauhan, Seth B. Abugho
Weed Science 61 (3), 403-409, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00147.1
KEYWORDS: Asia, mulch, rice, weed emergence, zero-till
Dennis C. Odero, Alan L. Wright
Weed Science 61 (3), 410-414, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00107.1
KEYWORDS: duration of interference, duration of weed-free period, critical timing of weed removal, Critical weed-free period, Weed competition, yield loss
Adam S. Davis, Sharon Clay, John Cardina, Anita Dille, Frank Forcella, John Lindquist, Christy Sprague
Weed Science 61 (3), 415-421, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00139.1
KEYWORDS: Abiotic influences on seed dormancy, Hydrothermal time, nonlinear mixed effects models, regional environmental variation, seedling recruitment phenology
Lin Wu, Nathan S. Boyd, G. Christopher Cutler, A. Randall Olson
Weed Science 61 (3), 422-427, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00156.1
KEYWORDS: degree days, plant growth models, nonlinear regression, weed management
David P. Horvath, María A. Santana, James V. Anderson
Weed Science 61 (3), 428-436, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00177.1
KEYWORDS: network analysis, pathogenesis, transcriptomics
Martin M. Williams, Rick A. Boydston
Weed Science 61 (3), 437-442, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00205.1
KEYWORDS: competition, germinability, plant population, planting arrangement, seed bank, seed production, seeding density
Donato Loddo, Edite Sousa, Roberta Masin, Isabel Calha, Giuseppe Zanin, César Fernández-Quintanilla, José Dorado
Weed Science 61 (3), 443-451, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00162.1
KEYWORDS: Base temperature, integrated weed management, weed germination modeling
Alfonso S. Frenda, Paolo Ruisi, Sergio Saia, Benedetto Frangipane, Giuseppe Di Miceli, Gaetano Amato, Dario Giambalvo
Weed Science 61 (3), 452-459, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00137.1
KEYWORDS: competition, grain legumes, time of weed removal, weed-free period, Weed interference
Michael S. Bell, Aaron G. Hager, Patrick J. Tranel
Weed Science 61 (3), 460-468, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00166.1
KEYWORDS: ALS resistance, Glyphosate resistance, multiple-herbicide resistance, PPO resistance, resistance mechanism, triazine resistance
Elisa Graña, Tamara Sotelo, Carla Díaz-Tielas, Manuel J. Reigosa, Adela M. Sánchez-Moreiras
Weed Science 61 (3), 469-481, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00159.1
KEYWORDS: monoterpene, Spraying, watering, phytotoxicity, weed management
Caleb D. Dalley, Ryan P. Viator, Edward P. Richard
Weed Science 61 (3), 482-490, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00124.1
KEYWORDS: Banded herbicide application, postharvest crop residue, tillage
Margaret L. Worthington, S. Chris Reberg-Horton, David Jordan, J. Paul Murphy
Weed Science 61 (3), 491-499, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00167.1
KEYWORDS: indirect selection, organic wheat production, Weed interference, Wheat breeding
Nathanael D. Fickett, Chris M. Boerboom, David E. Stoltenberg
Weed Science 61 (3), 500-507, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00164.1
KEYWORDS: Decision support system, POST, weed abundance, weed community composition, WeedSOFT
Travis W. Gannon, Adam C. Hixson, Jerome B. Weber, Wei Shi, Fred H. Yelverton, Thomas W. Rufty
Weed Science 61 (3), 508-514, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/WS-D-12-00173.1
KEYWORDS: bioavailability, Kd, Koc, organic matter, soil sorption coefficient
Weed Science 61 (3), 515, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1614/0043-1745-61.3.515
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