Field trials were conducted to compare the effect of various soil fumigants along with in-bed pebulate and row-middle metribuzin applications on purple nutsedge control and on tomato and bell pepper growth and yield. Treatments consisted of combinations of soil fumigants, pebulate, and metribuzin. Fumigants levels were (1) untreated control, (2) methyl bromide (MBr) chloropicrin (Pic) (67 33%, respectively), (3) Pic, (4) metham, (5) dazomet, and (6) 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) Pic (83 17%, respectively). Pebulate levels were either applied in-bed or not applied. Row middles were either sprayed with metribuzin or untreated. In both crops, purple nutsedge populations were independently influenced by fumigants and pebulate applications, with the highest number of purple nutsedge plants in the untreated control. The addition of pebulate reduced purple nutsedge populations in all treatments. In tomato trials, the yield was affected by fumigants, with the highest losses (53 and 50% reductions in fruit number and weight) observed in the nonfumigated control. In pepper trials, fruit number and weight were individually influenced by fumigants and metribuzin sprayings. Application of metribuzin to row middles increased yields 10% relative to nontreated plots.
Nomenclature: Purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. #3 CYPRO; pepper, Capsicum annuum L.; tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
Additional index words: Chloropicrin, dazomet, 1,3-dichloropropene, interference, metham, metribuzin, pebulate, soil fumigants.
Abbreviations: 1,3-D, 1,3-dichlopropene; MBr, methyl bromide; Pic, chloropicrin; WAT, weeks after transplanting.