Split application of herbicides for wild oat control may minimize wild oat competition with wheat while reducing the number of wild oat seeds returned to the soil. Field experiments were conducted in 2000 and 2001 to evaluate the effects of CGA-184927, fenoxaprop-P, flucarbazone, and ICIA 0604 at labeled and reduced rates on wild oat control, wild oat seed rain, and wheat yield. Each herbicide was applied once at 25, 33, and 100% of the labeled rate at the two-leaf stage of wild oat or split applied at 50 and 66% of the full rate as two equal applications. Excellent full-season wild oat control was obtained with CGA-184927, flucarbazone, and ICIA 0604 applied twice at reduced rates. ICIA 0604 or CGA-184927 split applied at 25 and 33% rates (totaled 50 and 66% of the full rate) provided wild oat control equal to one application of labeled rates. Wild oat seed rain was similar among all herbicide treatments, except plots treated with fenoxaprop-P once at 25 and 33% rates where seed rain was higher and equal to 47% of untreated plots. Wheat yields and net returns were highest and similar after treatment with CGA-184927 or ICIA 0604 applied either once at the labeled rate or split applied at 25 or 33% rates.
Nomenclature: Fenoxaprop-P; ICIA 0604 (proposed name, tralkoxydim), 2-[1-(ethoxyimino)propyl]-3-hydroxy-5-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)cyclohex-2-enone; CGA-184927 (proposed name, clodinafop-propargyl), propanoic acid, 2-[4-[(5-chloro-3-fluoro-2-pyridinyl)oxy]phenoxy]-2-propynyl ester; flucarbazone; wild oat, Avena fatua L. #3 AVEFA; hard red spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L.
Additional index words: Hard red spring wheat, reduced herbicide rates.
Abbreviation: DAT, days after treatment.