New Zealand is a weedy place with more naturalized exotics than native plant species and 325 environmental weed species. Weed lists help us prioritize our weed work. Three New Zealand examples are described. (1) The National Pest Plant Accord lists 92 plant species banned from sale, distribution, or propagation throughout New Zealand. Predominantly, species listed have limited distributions but wide appeal to home gardeners. (2) Surveillance lists—short lists of new plant species to watch out for in a particular area because they are known invasive weeds that may well turn up for the first time in an area. (3) Weed-led and site-led approach—determining which weeds to tackle and where to control plants. The key criterion for weed-led projects: can you eradicate the species from the whole area? The critical criterion for site-led projects: is this a high-value place that is worth spending weed dollars on? Our strategic approach to weed management focuses on achieving the greatest conservation gain for the weed dollar spent.
Additional index words: Eradication feasibility, garden escapes, Pest Plant Accord, site-led control, surveillance lists, weed-led control.
Abbreviations: DOC, Department of Conservation; MAF, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.