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1 January 2006 Corn (Zea mays L.) Response to Trifloxysulfuron
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Experiments were conducted in weed-free environments to determine corn tolerance to trifloxysulfuron applied PRE or POST, and to determine the potential for trifloxysulfuron applied PRE or POST to cotton to injure corn grown in rotation the following year. Trifloxysulfuron at 3.75, 7.5, or 15 g ai/ha applied PRE or POST resulted in 98% stand reduction of imidazolinone-tolerant (IT) corn and 100% stand reduction in conventional corn. No injury occurred to imidazolinone-resistant (IR) corn. A corn cultivar yield response was observed, with conventional nontreated corn yielding 8,850 kg/ha and greater than nontreated IT corn at 7,900 kg/ha. Nontreated IR corn yielded the least, at 6,400 kg/ha, and these yields were equivalent to trifloxysulfuron-treated IR corn at 6,590 kg/ha. Cotton treated with trifloxysulfuron PRE at any rate was injured less than 8%. Both trifloxysulfuron at 7.5 g/ha POST and pyrithiobac at 70 g ai/ha POST injured cotton 11% early in the season. Neither trifloxysulfuron nor pyrithiobac influenced weed-free cotton lint yields. When grown in rotation, corn was not injured by trifloxysulfuron or pyrithiobac applied the previous year to cotton, and yields were not influenced.

Nomenclature: Trifloxysulfuron; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; corn, Zea mays L.

Additional index words: Carryover, crop injury, sulfonylurea herbicide.

Abbreviations: ALS, acetolactate synthase.

DUNK PORTERFIELD and JOHN W. WILCUT "Corn (Zea mays L.) Response to Trifloxysulfuron," Weed Technology 20(1), 81-85, (1 January 2006).
Published: 1 January 2006
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