Improved cultivars of zoysiagrass established by seed are now available, but little is known about the safety of herbicides on zoysiagrass seedlings. Our objective was to determine the turf safety of various herbicides when applied from emergence to 4 wk after emergence (WAE) of ‘Zenith’ zoysiagrass. Oxadiazon (3.4 kg ai/ha), MSMA (2.3 kg ai/ha), and pronamide (1.1 kg ai/ha) did not reduce coverage 7 WAE when applied at emergence or later and caused only temporary discoloration of seedlings. Foramsulfuron (0.03 kg ai/ha) injured seedling zoysiagrass both years of testing and reduced cover in the final year. Fluazifop (0.07 kg ai/ha) caused significant injury in all 3 yr of the study and reduced coverage in the final year. Fenoxaprop (0.14 kg ai/ha) caused visible injury and reduction in zoysiagrass coverage in all 3 yr of the study. Our studies indicate pronamide, MSMA, or oxadiazon are the safest herbicides to use over Zenith zoysiagrass seedlings, and selection among these three depends on the primary weed species present.
Nomenclature: Fenoxaprop, fluazifop-P, foramsulfuron, MSMA, oxadiazon, pronamide, zoysiagrass, Zoysia japonica Steud. ‘Zenith’ ZOYJA