Mesotrione is under evaluation for registration in turfgrass for weed control, but often requires repeat treatments. Previous research in agricultural crops indicates tank mixtures with mesotrione improve weed control. Greenhouse trials were conducted in Blacksburg, VA, with 7 mo-old white clover, and field trials in Knoxville, TN, evaluated control of 5-yr old white clover in a stand of common bermudagrass. Data from both field and greenhouse trials indicate mesotrione applied in combination with bromoxynil, carfentrazone, or simazine control white clover better than any of these herbicides applied alone. Combinations of bromoxynil, carfentrazone, and simazine with mesotrione also decreased relative chlorophyll index and white clover fresh weights in agreement with visually estimated control.
Nomenclature: Bromoxynil, carfentrazone, mesotrione, simazine, white clover, Trifolium repens L. TRFRE, common bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ‘Vamont’