Certified Crop Advisors of Arkansas and members of the Arkansas Crop Consultants Association were surveyed in Fall 2006 through direct mail to assess current weed management practices and needs in cotton from both a research and educational perspective. Consultants reported scouting 162,300 of the possible 473,700 ha of cotton grown in Arkansas. Collectively, glyphosate-resistant and enhanced glyphosate-resistant cultivars were reported grown on 98% of the cotton hectares. Ninety-five percent of the consultants believe the planting of enhanced glyphosate-resistant cultivars will increase over the next 5 yr. All consultants indicated a “moderate” to “high” level of concern with herbicide-resistant weeds in cotton, and 79% of the consultants suspect herbicide resistance in the fields they scout, predominately glyphosate-resistant horseweed. Horseweed, Palmer amaranth, and morningglories were the three most problematic weeds in cotton. A continued focus on resistant weed management was the most frequent research and educational request by consultants.
Nomenclature: Horseweed, Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. ERICA, morningglories, Ipomoea spp, Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats AMAPA, cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L