Path rush can become problematic on golf course fairways, especially on roughs where continuous golf cart or maintenance equipment traffic occurs. Research trials conducted in 2003 and 2004 compared the efficacy of 2,4-D and mixtures containing 2,4-D in single or sequential applications to herbicides without 2,4-D for path rush control in bermudagrass roughs. Sequential applications of 1.1 kg ae/ha 2,4-D or 0.8 0.2 0.1 kg ae/ha 2,4-D MCPP dicamba provided 95% path rush control with no injury to bermudagrass, 15 wk after initial treatment (WAIT). Single applications of 1.1 0.3 0.1 kg/ha 2,4-D MCPP dicamba or 1.1 kg/ha 2,4-D provided at least 81% path rush control, 15 WAIT. Treatments without 2,4-D did not provide acceptable levels of control (34% or less, 15 WAIT). 2,4-D applied alone or in preformulated mixtures provided excellent path rush control compared to treatments without 2,4-D. Sequential applications of these treatments provided greater path rush control than single applications. However, only the sequential application of 0.8 0.2 0.1 kg/ha 2,4-D MCPP dicamba provided greater path rush control than the single application. Results from these studies suggest that 2,4-D is a key herbicide for path rush control.
Nomenclature: 2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, carfentrazone, foramsulfuron, triclopyr, clopyralid, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, path rush, Juncus tenuis Willd. JUNTE, bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. CYNDA