Four field trials were conducted over a 2-yr period at Exeter (2005, 2006), Harrow (2006) and Ridgetown (2006), Ontario to evaluate the tolerance of pinto and small red Mexican (SRM) bean to the POST application of bentazon, imazethapyr, or their combination. Bentazon applied once or twice (to simulate a spray overlap in the field) at 840 g ai/ha and imazethapyr applied at 37.5 g/ha caused minimal injury (6% or less) in pinto and SRM bean and had no adverse effect on plant height, shoot dry weight, seed moisture content, and yield. Imazethapyr applied twice at 37.5 and all single and repeat applications containing 75 or 150 g/ha caused 15 to 44% injury to dry bean. These injuries were persistent and reduced plant height by as much as 21% and shoot dry weight by as much as 34%, but caused no adverse effect on maturity and yield, except for imazethapyr applied twice at 150 g/ha, which delayed maturity and reduced yield 16%. The addition of bentazon to imazethapyr applied as a tankmix reduced injury by as much as 23%. Imazethapyr at 37.5 or 75 g/ha combined with bentazon at 840 g/ha applied once or twice caused 3 to 23% injury but had no adverse effect on plant height, shoot dry weight, maturity, or yield. Two applications of imazethapyr at 150 g/ha plus bentazon at 840 g/ha reduced plant height 16% and shoot dry weight 28%.
Nomenclature: Bentazon, imazethapyr, pinto bean, small red Mexican bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L