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1 April 2008 Comparison of Flazasulfuron to Pyridine Herbicides for Virginia Buttonweed (Diodia Virginiana) Control
Kendall C. Hutto, Barry J. Brecke, J. Bryan Unruh
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Virginia buttonweed is a difficult-to-control weed in southern turfgrass. Typically, auxin-type herbicides are considered to be the standard treatment for this species. Field experiments were conducted to compare the efficacy of flazasulfuron, a sulfonylurea herbicide, to pyridine herbicides on Virginia buttonweed. Treatments included single and sequential applications of flazasulfuron (0.05 or 0.08 kg ai/ha). The sequential applications were applied 3 and 6 wk after initial treatment (WAIT). Three applications of 0.05 and 0.08 kg/ha flazasulfuron controlled Virginia buttonweed greater than 93% at 10 WAIT. Both treatments were comparable to 0.6 kg ai/ha triclopyr 0.2 kg ai/ha clopyralid (80% control). These studies indicated that increased application of flazasulfuron increased Virginia buttonweed control regardless of application rates evaluated.

Nomenclature: Clopyralid, flazasulfuron, triclopyr, bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ×Cynodon transvaalensis Burtt-Davy ‘Tifway 419’, Virginia buttonweed, Diodia virginiana L. DIQVI

Kendall C. Hutto, Barry J. Brecke, and J. Bryan Unruh "Comparison of Flazasulfuron to Pyridine Herbicides for Virginia Buttonweed (Diodia Virginiana) Control," Weed Technology 22(2), 351-353, (1 April 2008).
Received: 20 April 2007; Accepted: 1 February 2008; Published: 1 April 2008
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