In 2005 a hailstorm struck a long-term dose–response study of irrigation requirements and corn plant populations. This misfortune occurred again in 2006 at approximately the same growth stage. Therefore, the objectives of the studies were redirected to measure the impact of actual hail events on corn leaf area index (LAI) and the competitive interaction of escaped Palmer amaranth populations induced by hail across different levels of irrigation and corn populations. In 2005, the study treatment with the lowest corn population and level of irrigation had twice the Palmer amaranth biomass (PABM) at corn harvest compared with the highest corn population and irrigation level. Corn LAI produced simple linear models that predicted both corn grain yield and PABM. In 2007, the nonhail year, PABM was depressed 4- to 15-fold compared with hail years. PABM declined linearly from 417 kg/ha at the lowest level of irrigation and corn population to 48 kg/ha at the highest level of irrigation and corn plant population. Although economic return per increment of irrigation declined in both hail years, the trends in economic returns were still positive. This suggests that a producer with similar conditions should continue to irrigate even though his or her rate of economic return is reduced.
Nomenclature: Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA; corn, Zea mays L