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1 January 2010 Annual Grass Control in Strip-Tillage Peanut Production with Delayed Applications of Pendimethalin
W. Carroll Johnson, Eric P. Prostko, Benjamin G. Mullinix
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In strip-tillage peanut production, situations occur when dinitroaniline herbicides are not applied in a timely manner. In these cases, dinitroaniline herbicides would be applied days or weeks after seeding. However, there is no information that documents the effects of delayed applications on weed control. Trials were conducted in 2004, 2005, and 2007 in Georgia to determine the weed control efficacy of delayed applications of pendimethalin in strip-tillage peanut production. Treatments included seven timings of pendimethalin application and three pendimethalin-containing herbicide combinations. Timings of application were immediately after seeding (PRE), vegetative emergence of peanut (VE), 1 wk after VE (VE 1wk), VE 2wk, VE 3wk, VE 4wk, and a nontreated control. Pendimethalin containing herbicide programs included pendimethalin plus paraquat, pendimethalin plus imazapic, and pendimethalin alone. Among the possible treatment combinations was a current producer standard timing for nonpendimethalin weed control programs in peanut, which was either imazapic or paraquat alone applied VE 3wk. Pendimethalin alone did not effectively control Texas millet regardless of time of application (69 to 77%), whereas southern crabgrass was controlled by pendimethalin alone PRE (87%). Delayed applications of pendimethalin controlled Texas millet and southern crabgrass when combined with either paraquat or imazapic, with imazapic being the preferred combination due to better efficacy on southern crabgrass than paraquat at most delayed applications. Peanut yield was improved when any of the herbicide combinations were applied PRE compared to later applications. Across all times of application, pendimethalin plus imazapic effectively maximized peanut yield with interference from annual grasses.

Nomenclature:Imazapic; paraquat; pendimethalin; southern crabgrass, Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koel; Texas millet, Urochloa texana (Buckl.) R. Webster; peanut, Arachis hypogaea L., ‘C99R’

W. Carroll Johnson, Eric P. Prostko, and Benjamin G. Mullinix "Annual Grass Control in Strip-Tillage Peanut Production with Delayed Applications of Pendimethalin," Weed Technology 24(1), 1-5, (1 January 2010).
Received: 11 September 2008; Accepted: 1 July 2009; Published: 1 January 2010
conservation tillage
southern crabgrass
Texas panicum
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