Goatsrue response to eight herbicide treatments was evaluated in greenhouse and field trials. Herbicides tested on goatsrue grown from seed in the greenhouse included 2,4-D amine, dicamba, chlorsulfuron, picloram, imazapyr, imazamox, aminopyralid, and triclopyr. Each herbicide was applied at rates of 0.125×, 0.25×, 0.5×, 1.0×, and 2.0×, where X is equal to the labeled rate. Goatsrue was most sensitive to the acetolactate synthase inhibitors chlorsulfuron and imazapyr, with 50% inhibition values of 0.07× (3.7g ai ha−1) and 0.16× (90 g ai ha−1) respectively. Goatsrue did not respond to increasing 2,4-D and imazamox rates. Herbicides evaluated in the greenhouse were also tested at two field sites (Smithfield and Amalga, UT), except imazamox, which was replaced by metsulfuron. Field studies gave some varying results, but overall showed that chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, aminopyralid, and picloram gave at least 93% control at Smithfield, and 89% control at Amalga 24 mo after treatment (MAT). Treatments of chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, aminopyralid, and picloram were also effective at increasing perennial grass cover at Smithfield 24 MAT. All treatments at Smithfield decreased seedling goatsrue cover, whereas only aminopyralid and picloram decreased seedling cover at Amlaga 11 MAT.
Nomenclature: 2,4-D amine; dicamba; chlorsulfuron; picloram; imazapyr; imazamox; aminopyralid; triclopyr; metsulfuron; goatsrue, Galega officinalis L