Rice cultivar, growth stage at application, or both may influence rice tolerance to quinclorac. Field studies were conducted to compare the response of five rice cultivars ‘Bowman’, ‘Cheniere’, ‘CL161’, ‘Cocodrie’, and ‘XL723’ to postflood quinclorac applications. Quinclorac at 0.56 kg ai ha−1 was applied 2 and 4 wk after flood (WAF). Pooled across quinclorac application timings, no differences in maturity were detected among the cultivars in 2008, but maturity of Cheniere and XL723 were delayed compared with CL161 and Cocodrie in 2007. Maturity of Cheniere and XL723 was delayed in 2007 compared with 2008. Pooled over cultivar, maturity was similar for 2 and 4 WAF applications in 2007 but was delayed for 2 WAF treatments in 2008. Regardless of year, postflood quinclorac applications reduced rough rice yield of all cultivars except Bowman. Cheniere and XL723 had lower rough rice yields compared with other cultivars in 2007; however, in 2008, rough rice yields of Cheniere, CL161, Cocodrie, and XL723 were similar, but still lower, than that of Bowman. Pooled over cultivar, postflood quinclorac reduced rough rice yields more when applied 4 WAF than at 2 WAF during both years. Our results demonstrate that Cheniere and XL723 are less tolerant than Bowman is to postflood quinclorac applications and that all evaluated cultivars are more susceptible to quinclorac applied at later developmental stages. Consequently, if circumstances necessitate a postflood quinclorac application, the herbicide should be applied no later than panicle initiation and should not be applied to Cheniere or XL723.
Nomenclature: Quinclorac; rice, Oryza sativa L.