Largeleaf lantana is a perennial shrub that commonly infests pastures, roadsides, and natural areas. Many experiments have been conducted to manage this weed, but few successful herbicides have been found. Little information is available for the effectiveness of fluroxypyr, aminopyralid, or aminocyclopyrachlor on largeleaf lantana. Experiments were conducted in central Florida on dense, natural infestations of largeleaf lantana. Aminopyralid (0.12 kg ha−1), fluroxypyr (0.56 kg ha−1), and aminocyclopyrachlor (0.2 kg ha−1) were either applied in the fall (approximately 2 mo before frost) or in the fall followed by a spring application. Aminopyralid was ineffective on largeleaf lantana, and neither one nor two applications resulted in > 20% control 1 yr after treatment (YAT). Fluroxypyr applied once in the fall resulted in 12% control at 1 YAT, but two applications resulted in 80% control after 1 yr. The combination of fluroxypyr aminopyralid, applied twice, resulted in approximately 90% control 1 YAT. A single application of fluroxypyr aminopyralid failed to provide greater than 20% control. Conversely, aminocyclopyrachlor applied once in the fall provided 98% control of largeleaf at 1 YAT. Where aminocyclopyrachlor was applied twice, largeleaf lantana control was 100%. From these data, largeleaf lantana can be effectively controlled by two applications of fluroxypyr, two applications of fluroxypyr aminopyralid, or a single application of aminocyclopyrachlor. Individual plant treatments were also investigated using herbicides applied as basal or cut surface applications. At 1 YAT, only triclopyr aminopyralid provided > 90% control as a basal application. The other herbicide combinations appeared to be effective earlier, but significant regrowth had occurred by 1 YAT. Cut surface applications were similar with triclopyr aminopyralid and triclopyr fluroxypyr providing effective control. Neither triclopyr alone nor imazapyr provided effective control for 1 YAT with basal or cut surface applications.
Nomenclature: Aminocyclopyrachlor; aminopyralid; fluroxypyr; imazapyr; triclopyr; largeleaf lantana, Lantana camara L. LANCA.