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1 January 2014 Effects of Preemergence Herbicides on the Establishment Rate and Tensile Strength of Hybrid Bermudagrass Sod
James T. Brosnan, Gregory K. Breeden, Adam W. Thoms, John C. Sorochan
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Use of PRE herbicides for control of annual grassy weeds during commercial sod production has been limited. Research was conducted from 2010 to 2013 evaluating the effects of pendimethalin (3.36 kg ai ha−1), dithiopyr (0.56 kg ai ha−1), prodiamine (0.6 kg ai ha−1), oxadiazon (3.36 kg ai ha−1), prodiamine sulfentrazone (0.84 0.41 kg ai ha−1), dimethenamid-P (1.68 kg ai ha−1), and indaziflam (0.03 and 0.05 kg ai ha−1) applications at sprigging on the establishment rate and tensile strength of ‘Tifway' hybrid bermudagrass sod at harvest (377 d after sprigging). All herbicides increased the days required to reach 50% hybrid bermudagrass cover compared with the nontreated control. Days required to reach 50% hybrid bermudagrass cover were lowest for oxadiazon and prodiamine (39 to 44 d), greatest for both rates of indaziflam (65 to 141 d), with dimethenamid-P, prodiamine plus sulfentrazone, pendimethalin, and dithiopyr ranking intermediate (45 to 63 d). Both rates of indaziflam reduced sod tensile strength at harvest compared with the nontreated control during a single year of the study; no other differences in sod strength due to herbicide treatment were detected at any time.

Nomenclature: Dimethenamid-P; dithiopyr; indaziflam; oxadiazon; pendimethalin; prodiamine; sulfentrazone; hybrid bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L) Pers. × Cynodon transvaalensis Burtt Davy.

El uso de herbicidas PRE para el control de malezas gramíneas anuales durante la producción comercial de césped para corta ha sido limitado. Se realizó una investigación desde 2010 a 2013 evaluando los efectos de aplicaciones al momento de la siembra de fragmentos de estolones enraizados de pendimethalin (3.36 kg ai ha−1), dithiopyr (0.56 kg ai ha−1), prodiamine (0.6 kg ai ha−1), oxadiazon (3.36 kg ai ha−1), prodiamine sulfentrazone (0.84 0.41 kg ai ha−1), dimethenamid-P (1.68 kg ai ha−1), e indaziflam (0.03 y 0.05 kg ai ha−1) sobre la tasa de establecimiento y la resistencia al tiro del híbrido 'Tifway' del césped bermuda para corta al momento de la cosecha (377 d después de la siembra). Todos los herbicidas incrementaron los días requeridos para alcanzar 50% de cobertura del césped bermuda híbrido al compararse con el testigo sin tratamiento. El menor número de días requeridos para alcanzar 50% de cobertura del césped bermuda híbrido se obtuvo con oxadiazon y prodiamine (39 a 44 d), y el mayor número de días se observó con las dos dosis de indaziflam (65 a 141 d), los valores intermedios se observaron con dimethenamid-P, prodiamine más sulfentrazone, pendimethalin, y dithiopyr (45 a 63 d). Ambas dosis de indaziflam redujeron la resistencia al tiro al momento de la cosecha en comparación con el testigo sin tratamiento durante uno de los años del estudio; pero en ningún otro momento se detectó diferencia alguna en la fortaleza del césped después de la cosecha debido a los tratamientos de herbicidas.

James T. Brosnan, Gregory K. Breeden, Adam W. Thoms, and John C. Sorochan "Effects of Preemergence Herbicides on the Establishment Rate and Tensile Strength of Hybrid Bermudagrass Sod," Weed Technology 28(1), 206-212, (1 January 2014).
Received: 13 June 2013; Accepted: 1 August 2013; Published: 1 January 2014
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