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1 October 2015 Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Giant Ragweed in Winter Wheat
Kris J. Mahoney, Kristen E. McNaughton, Peter H. Sikkema
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Four field experiments were conducted over a 2-yr period (2012 and 2013) in winter wheat to evaluate POST herbicides for the control of glyphosate-resistant (GR) giant ragweed. POST herbicides were evaluated for winter wheat injury and GR giant ragweed control, population density, and aboveground biomass. The herbicides used in this study provided 54 to 90% and 51 to 97% control of GR giant ragweed at 4 and 8 wk after treatment (WAT), respectively. At 8 WAT, auxinic herbicide treatments or herbicide tank mix/premix treatments that contained auxinics provided 78 to 97% control of GR giant ragweed. Reductions in GR giant ragweed population density and aboveground biomass were 62 to 100% and 83 to 100%, respectively, and generally reflected the level of control. The results of this research indicate that Ontario, Canada, corn and soybean growers should continue to incorporate winter wheat into their crop rotation as one component of an integrated weed management (IWM) strategy for the control of GR giant ragweed.

Nomenclature: Glyphosate; giant ragweed, Ambrosia trifida L.; winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L.

Cuatro experimentos de campo fueron realizados durante un período de dos años (2012 y 2013) en trigo de invierno para evaluar herbicidas POST para el control de Ambrosia trifida resistente a glyphosate (GR). Se evaluó el efecto de los herbicidas POST sobre el daño en el trigo de invierno y el control, densidad de población y la biomasa aérea de A. trifida GR. Los herbicidas usados en este estudio brindaron 54 a 90% y 51 a 97% de control de A. trifida GR a 4 y 8 semanas después del tratamiento (WAT), respectivamente. A 8 WAT, los tratamientos con herbicidas tipo auxina o mezclas/pre-mezclas en tanque que contenían herbicidas tipo auxina brindaron 78 a 97% de control de A. trifida GR. Las reducciones en la densidad de la población y la biomasa aérea de A. trifida GR fueron 62 a 100% y 83 a 100%, respectivamente, y generalmente reflejaron el nivel de control. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que los productores de maíz y soja de Ontario, Canada, deberían continuar incorporando el trigo de invierno en sus rotaciones de cultivos como un componente de una estrategia de manejo integrado de malezas (IWM) para el control de A. trifida GR.

Kris J. Mahoney, Kristen E. McNaughton, and Peter H. Sikkema "Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Giant Ragweed in Winter Wheat," Weed Technology 29(4), 868-873, (1 October 2015).
Received: 6 March 2015; Accepted: 1 July 2015; Published: 1 October 2015
Glyphosate resistance
integrated weed management
POST herbicides
weed control
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