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1 May 2016 Tolerance of Bermudagrass and Stargrass to Aminocyclopyrachlor
Daniel G. Abe, BRENT A. SELLERS, JASON A. FERRELL, Ramon G. Leon, D. Calvin Odero
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The tolerance of bermudagrass and stargrass to the relatively new herbicide, aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP), must be known before it can be recommended for weed control in these forage systems. Field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 in south-central Florida to determine the tolerance of established bermudagrass and stargrass to various rates and combinations of ACP, chlorsulfuron, 2,4-D, triclopyr, and metsulfuron. Overall, bermudagrass and stargrass injury was transient and was minimal by 60 d after treatment (DAT). Similarly, biomass production was negatively affected at 30 DAT when treated with ACP at rates of 70 g ae ha−1 or greater, but was similar to the nontreated control by 60 DAT. Tank-mixing ACP with chlorsulfuron, 2,4-D amine, triclopyr, or metsulfuron did not increase injury compared with ACP alone applied at equivalent rates. Forage nutritive values were unaffected by herbicides. These data suggest that long-term effects of ACP on bermudagrass and stargrass are negligible, and this herbicide could be an important component of weed management programs in these forage systems.

Nomenclature: Aminocyclopyrachlor; chlorsulfuron; metsulfuron; triclopyr; bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon L.; stargrass, Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst.

La tolerancia del pasto bermuda y el pasto estrella al herbicida relativamente nuevo, aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP), debe ser conocida antes de poder recomendarlo para el control de malezas en sistemas de forrajes. En 2012 y 2013, se realizaron experimentos de campo en el sur-centro de Florida para determinar la tolerancia de pastizales establecidos de bermuda y estrella a varias dosis y combinaciones de ACP, chlorsulfuron, 2,4-D, triclopyr, y metsulfuron. En general, el daño a los pastos bermuda y estrella fueron transitorios y mínimos a 60 d después del tratamiento (DAT). Similarmente, la producción de biomasa fue negativamente afectada a 30 DAT cuando se trató con ACP a dosis de 70 g ae ha−1 o mayores, pero fue similar al testigo sin tratamiento a 60 DAT. Las mezclas en tanque de ACP con chlorsulfuron, 2,4-D amine, triclopyr, o metsulfuron no aumentaron el daño al compararse con ACP aplicado solo a dosis equivalentes. El valor nutritivo del forraje no fue afectado por los herbicidas. Estos datos sugieren que los efectos a largo plazo de ACP sobre los pastos bermuda y estrella son mínimos, y este herbicida podría ser un componente importante de los programas de manejo de malezas en estos sistemas de forrajes.

Daniel G. Abe, BRENT A. SELLERS, JASON A. FERRELL, Ramon G. Leon, and D. Calvin Odero "Tolerance of Bermudagrass and Stargrass to Aminocyclopyrachlor," Weed Technology 30(2), 499-505, (1 May 2016).
Received: 3 November 2015; Accepted: 1 December 2015; Published: 1 May 2016
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