Information on the dissipation of clomazone, imazapyr, and imazapic in paddy water under different irrigation system is not available in the literature. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of two irrigation systems (intermittent (IF) and continuous (CF) flood) on the dissipation of clomazone, imazapyr, and imazapic in paddy water. Imazapic was the least persistent herbicide in paddy water, with DT50-values of approximately 3 and 5 d under CF and IF, respectively. Imazapyr required a two-fold increase in time to reach its half-life in water in contrast to imazapic, with DT50-values of approximately 6 and 11 d under CF and IF, respectively. Clomazone showed the highest DT50-values, varying between 7 to 21 d under CF and IF, respectively. Imazapyr and imazapic dissipation was faster under CF, while clomazone was not affected. This investigation found that the dissipation behaviors of herbicides vary under different rice irrigation regimes. Thus changes in irrigation management, as will be required to produce more rice grain with less water to avoid future scarcity, should consider impacts of flood management on herbicide persistence and environmental behavior.
Nomenclature: Clomazone; mazapyr; imazapic; rice, Oryza sativa L.