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1 October 2017 Glufosinate Plus Dicamba for Rescue Palmer Amaranth Control in XtendFlexTM Cotton
Rachel A. Vann, Alan C. York, Charles W. Cahoon, Trace B. Buck, Matthew C. Askew, Richard W. Seagroves
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Cotton growers commonly use glufosinate-based programs to control glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth must be small (≤7.5 cm) for consistent control by glufosinate, and growers often miss the optimum application timing. XtendFlex™ cotton may provide growers a tool to control larger Palmer amaranth. Glufosinate, dicamba, and glufosinate plus dicamba were compared for Palmer amaranth control in a rescue situation. Herbicides were applied to 16- to 23-cm weeds (POST-1) followed by a second application (POST-2) 12 d later. Glufosinateammonium at 590 g ai ha-1 plus dicamba diglycolamine salt at 560 g ae ha-1 POST-1 followed by glufosinate plus dicamba POST-2 was more effective than glufosinate at 880 g ha-1 POST-1 followed by glufosinate at 590 g ha-1 POST-2 or dicamba alone applied twice. Following a directed layby application of glyphosate, diuron, and S-metolachlor 14 d after POST-2, Palmer amaranth was controlled 99% by any system containing dicamba or glufosinate plus dicamba POST-1 followed by dicamba, glufosinate, or glufosinate plus dicamba POST-2 compared with 87% to 91% control by glufosinate alone applied twice. Cotton height and number of main stem nodes at layby were reduced in systems with dicamba only POST-1 followed by dicamba or glufosinate plus dicamba POST-2, presumably due to competition from the slowly dying Palmer amaranth with dicamba only POST-1. These treatments also delayed cotton maturity and reduced lint yield compared with systems containing glufosinate plus dicamba at POST-1.

Nomenclature: Dicamba; diuron; glufosinate; glyphosate; S-metolachlor; Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Watts; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.

© Weed Science Society of America, 2017
Rachel A. Vann, Alan C. York, Charles W. Cahoon, Trace B. Buck, Matthew C. Askew, and Richard W. Seagroves "Glufosinate Plus Dicamba for Rescue Palmer Amaranth Control in XtendFlexTM Cotton," Weed Technology 31(5), 666-674, (1 October 2017).
Received: 26 April 2017; Accepted: 3 August 2017; Published: 1 October 2017
cotton injury
cotton maturity
Cotton-fiber quality
early-season weed competition
weed biomass
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